Top 10 Finalist: SimplSupport

What is simplsupport?

SimplSupport is a platform for community members to connect with fully vetted and verified Registered Nurses who are interested in private-pay care opportunities. The company’s profiled nurses must pass SimplSupport’s extensive vetting process; once completed, they gain access to the Care Queue where they can select care opportunities that feel like a match to them. SimplSupport also offers a business platform to aide in the transaction of HIPAA compliant documents, online payments and legal agreements.

Quick Facts

Company Name: SimplSupport, LLC

Location: Urbandale, Iowa

Founder(s): Lori Palmer

Year Founded: 2022


About the Leadership Team

Lori Palmer is a Registered Nurse who worked initially as a floor nurse and charge nurse in a hospital system in Denver, Colorado. She was drawn to the business side of healthcare and pursued an MBA with a focus in health administration at the University of Colorado, Denver.

Upon graduation, she was recruited by a physician group to grow their practice and was able to increase their revenue from $300,000/year with two doctors, to over $6M in 8 years, with the addition of 5 doctors and a diversification of the revenue strategy. She moved to Des Moines 9 years ago and owned and operated a niche business for 6 years before selling that business in October of 2022 to focus full-time on SimplSupport.